Burgos – – – Hornillos del Camino

We left Burgos around 6:30am. We enjoyed our time in our hostel just the three women in group and the three men in the other. We had a private bathroom, towel and all low beds. It is amazing the little things you appreciate on the Camino. The albergues we have stayed in have been great but vary from 5 to 20 to about 100 people in a room. The bathrooms often have little privacy and you typically sleep in bunk beds.

It was beautiful morning leaving Burgos but it was great to leave the city. They cities are nice but the small towns is where the peace is at. I easily could see myself living in one of these small Spanish towns with my farm of pugs. 🙂 Gosh do I miss Olive! Joel reported to me today my grandparents have now allowed her to sleep with them in bed! My heart could not be happier because she truly loves sleeping in bed and as close to possible to people. I think about my sweet girl every day, especially when I feel low about myself I remind myself how much she loves me and is always so happy to see me!

There was a small lake filled today with all the tears I cried. I talked with Sonya, an older woman from Australian about some of my pain today and it was nice to hear about some of our shared struggles and more about what brought her on the Camino. Although these moments are painful and vulnerable, they always serve as a good reminder that we all have a story and are dealing with something. She was very kind and just listened to me. I find a lot of peace around her. She is always in a good mood and is mother to twin boys! I think we were destined to meet!

Today’s tears had to do more with self-forgiveness. This is a very hard thing for me to swallow and to do. I have made some pretty painful mistakes in my life and some that I have felt as being unforgivable which then I inturn internalize into self-hate and saying violent things to myself. I know these things are forgivable and I have been forgiven by some of the people I have hurt but not by all, and the person’s forgiveness i need most is my own.

In yoga and meditation they talk a lot about trusting the process of self- forgiveness and directing on energy to the process of tapas. Tapas, not the Spanish kind, means “heat” or “friction” and as we meditate and practice yoga we create this heat to help clear the mind, body and spirit. I will keep this in mind as I cry, continue to breathe and walk. The days are getting hotter here and you sweat so much alone just from the amount of walking. I am going to keep the heat in mind with an open and kind hand. I hope that I burn away the things I need forgiveness from and that it gives space to good, kind and positive things to come.

Our wifi is bad so I will try to post pictures later. Sorry about all the grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh yeah, my left ankle is swollen… they say “your issues are in your tissues.” I’m going to have to look whatever that means up and what is the background info with ankles…never had ankle problems before.

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